As this whole blogging thing is pretty new to me I'm thinking these first few posts are going to be slightly awkward. To explain this a bit, the following paragraph will kind of fill you in on my reluctance to share and explain the minute details and workings of everyday life here.
I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea that yes people care enough about what I'm doing here to actually look up an internet page just to find out. As many of you know, I am not the type to sit and discuss in great detail the contents of fairly average days or have deep heart-to-hearts about "what I learned" in today's class, or even "what my favorite part of they day" was (sorry Dan). However, I am totally ready and willing to share the completely awesome things that may come to pass this year. So, with this fun little prelude completed, I can now start my blog.
The traveling from Winnipeg to Holsby last week went as well as could be expected but has unfortunately reaffirmed my dislike for all things air-travel. From too-large airports to stuffy airplanes the whole thing isn't much fun. I will be sure to use Matt's private jet as much as possible in the future. But one good thing does come of the cattle herding system that airports and airlines use today. By the end of our travels, we had found probably a half dozen other Holsby students and were able to help each other along in our common struggle to figure things out in Europe. The train from Copenhagen to Nassgo (crazy europeans) was extremely relaxing and would have been nice apart from the fact that we were all trying desperately not to fall asleep and miss our stop, constantly waking ourselves up to make sure we weren't in Siberia or something. Sweden feels just like home except with more people and less of everything else. Except rain. We are all settled in nicely at the school and classes will start later today.
I hope that next time I write in this blog (funny word really, "blog"), I will be newly returned from a backpacking trip which starts on October 12 (It will officially be my own fault if I fall off a cliff or something. Finally!). I will then have some awesome pictures of scenery or something (maybe even wildlife! (if there is any left)). But hopefully it will be pretty awesome. Thanks for reading!